
Next 7 week course : To Be Confirmed

Location:  Church House, Christ Church Pennington, Leigh, WN7 4HT. We will start at 12 noon with a light lunch.

For further information please contact Barry directly on 07752282664 or speak to him or any of the leaders on Sunday.

It is a look at life. With a film/discussion for about 1 hour. With a friendly atmosphere, where you are free to ask ANY Christianity related questions. 

Life EXplored Trailer!

Life Explored is a way of sharing the best news ever heard, and gives people space and time to think about the big questions of life.

Over 7 sessions in find out more about the life of the person at the heart of the Christian faith – Jesus Christ.

Course Outline

Session 1 The Good God
Session 2 The Trustworthy God
Session 3 
The Generous God
Session 4 The Liberating God
Session 5 The Fulfilling God
Session 6 The Life-Giving God
Session 7 The Joyful God

The Course:

Life Explored will help people uncover what they’re really living for, and see how in Christ God meets their deepest desires for happiness.

A huge variety of people, with different experiences and backgrounds, and different views and beliefs, come on the LE course

Each Week:
WATCH a short film, DISCUSS a starter question, WATCH a second short film, EXPLORE a bible passage together.




Simon EdwardsLife Explored