Margaret brings the word this week from Luke 2:8-20, of the angel's appearance to the shepherds, bringing a message of Peace and of Jesus' truly humble arrival on Earth, to be our Messiah and forgiver of our sins.
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John continues our study on the book of Luke, this time Luke 2:1-7, using the Christmas story to remind us of the Sovereignty of God, the Humility of Christ and God's greatest Gift, that we would be spurred on to love, forgive and support each other.
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Margaret brings the word from Luke 1:67-80, speaking on God's covenant being revealed to Zachariah; that Jesus would come to atone for our sins through the cross, allowing a close relationship with God that we would be set apart for Him as holy vessels.
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John brings the word from Luke 1:57-66, speaking on God's mercy shown to Elizabeth to be with child, and especially Zachariah in his initial unbelief of the news, John goes on to describe God's awesome faithfulness, but also his severity and kindness.
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Paul brings the message of ‘Mary's Song' speaking of her amazing confidence in God's word, and her humility and joy in accepting His ultimate plan for her. So we are to be encouraged to study and stand on God's word, and humbly put into action God's plans
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John brings the word from Luke 1:39-45, using the story of Mary's visit with Elizabeth, to speak of God's awesome Divine Providence that brings all things together for His glory, this realisation should bring us into humility and a hunger for more of God.
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Margaret brings the word from Luke 1:26-38. Through the story of Mary's virgin pregnancy we're reminded: that as we are willing take God at His word, to be used by Him, He will prepare and bless us with the capability to accomplish any task He calls us to
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Guest speaker Stan Smith brings the word on ‘God's priority for His people', reminding us of God's “Extravagant” show of His love for us, and that we are [should want] to love God in return with all our heart and to love and serve one another.
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Eric brings the start of our New Year's theme ‘Trust and Obey' based in Luke. Starting from Luke 1:1-25, encouraging us to dedicate time to bible reading, prayer and each other, bringing us closer into a trusting relationship with our loving Father.
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John brings a word of salvation for our Nativity meeting, speaking from Luke 2:1-20 of Jesus' virgin birth to become our ‘Ultimate Rescuer'.
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